Thursday, July 02, 2009

item #0827

I seek freedoms I have no right to. I am tooled-up with electricity and explosive chemistries. As such I am given a wide berth, commended as I go to some kind of loose disaster, as an allowing, as a form of good works. Through me is the way that’s best for her. I will share nothing but her physical information. With the public, I am grateful for that means to no end. There are times when problems make one situation too much like another, and I dip my interest and freeze her out. This is imperfect and wasteful; so those are imperfect and wasteful days. Imagine that kind of variety, if you can. Because it’s important to me, I feel there’s someone else out there for my kind, who I haven't met yet. Mistakes happen when I am in that kind of mood. Snapped necks. Burning beds. Unexplained stomach bugs from wiping my ugly dick on your door handles. Oily browsings through curtain cracks. Spyglassing.



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